This information is available to support our disability community. It means you can know what to expect if an assessor has submitted their priority 1 equipment request to the Enable New Zealand team.
This week our team are currently reviewing Whaikaha priority 1 equipment requests as at 30 July 2024.
We are currently processing (sending purchase orders to suppliers) for successful trials received as at 30 August 2024.
We are unable to provide further information on applications submitted after the processing date.
Priority 2 Orders are not being submitted to Enable by Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People, until there is funding available for those requests.
Band 1 equipment is automated and processed daily.
Please note: Priority 1 orders requiring multiple components and customisation will have increased processing time.
Forms required
Assessors, please ensure all required documents are provided. Follow-up to request missing forms is delaying processing and may result in cancellation of request.
This information will be updated on Mondays and Thursday before 9am.