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Daredevil Razzy

Escape artist, danger mouse, and always loving are just a few phrases to describe Raziel (Razzy) Warnes.

Razzy is autistic and has global delay and sensory challenges. He was gifted with what his mum, Jackie, calls super-sonic hearing, “simple noises like lawn mowers, and dishwashers put Razzy into a sensory overload.” This encourages the family to be more aware of where, what, and how they do things.

While trying to find what Razzy enjoys, mum and dad noticed he likes to organise things, “he has thousands of dinky cars he loves to line up.”

Razzy has lots of aunties and uncles, including Aunty Tarshy. While mum and dad worked, Aunty Tarshy became Razzy’s full-time one-on-one aid, supporting Razzy day to day until mum and dad found a day care that had the resources to do the same.

Razzy’s now four-years-old, attends kindergarten and has no sense of fear, no sense of danger, and finds every idea a good idea.

“At only two-years-old, Razzy dragged a bike on top of a playground platform and rode it straight off the side,” says Jackie.

While his sense of courage is commendable, finding ways to keep him safe became a priority for his parents.

A support person directed Jackie and her family to support available from Enable New Zealand on behalf of the Ministry of Health (now Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People). After an assessment, they received, a car seat, a fence around their property, safety stays on most windows, and two new handles on the kitchen door.

“This took the stress levels out of everyone, and Razzy has the freedom to head into the front yard, focus on other things, and become more independent,” says Jackie.

Little by little mum and dad introduce him to aspects of everyday life. For the first time in a year the family dined out at KFC where everyone had a great time.

“Razzy has so much love to give he will hug a stranger,” says Jackie.

While the family are working on social boundaries with Razzy, the amount of love he puts into the world is just one of the reasons everyone loves him.

“We are very proud of the fact Razzy is very social and extremely loving,” says Jackie.